Welcome to the official site of the Kearney Soccer Club!
Home of the 2024 Presidents Cup U18 Girls National Champions - Nebraska Select 06/08!
Kearney Parks and Rec Recreational Soccer
This fall, US Soccer (the governing body of all soccer in the United States), released a statement indicating that they would be reexamining how youth soccer determined ages for registration. Specifically, whether to continue with the current calendar year model or whether an academic year model might be preferred.
Through their main youth organizations - USYSA, US Club Soccer, AYSO, etc… US Soccer sought information, opinion and feedback in order to help determine a path to follow. In late December, US Soccer released a decision statement indicating that they would make no changes for the current soccer year nor the following Soccer year (2025-26), and starting with the 2026-27 soccer year invested groups would have the ability to determine for themselves which calendar works best for their respective organizations.
Kearney Soccer Club will not be making any changes to how we determine age classifications for our Competitive and Select programs this spring or during the next soccer year (2025-26). As the 2026-27 year approaches, we will evaluate what our governing bodies (Nebraska State Soccer, Nebraska Youth Soccer League) decide to do and act accordingly. If any new developments occur in the meantime, we will deal with those at that time.
For our Micro and Developmental programs there will be no changes this spring and none anticipated for the 2025-26 year. We do reserve the right to constantly evaluate those two programs in order to provide the best programming for our youngest players.
Registration for the following programs will start on January 1.
Micro & Mini Micro - players born in 2019-2021.
(Registration Jan 1-Feb 10, Late registration Feb 11-25)
Developmental - players born in 2015-2018
(Registration Jan 1-Feb 10, Late registration Feb 11-25)
Competitive Under 9- players born in 2016
(Registration Jan 1 - Feb 1 - All players, returning and new, must register for the spring)
There is no late registration for Competitive Soccer.
Competitive Under 10 - players born in 2015
(Registration Jan 1 - Feb 1 - only NEW players must register for the spring)
There is no late registration for Competitive Soccer.
Returning U10 players, returning Select players, returning Nebraska Select and Nebraska United - Do Not need to register for the spring season.
For more information - Contact Mike Munch
Club President
Phone: 308-440-7797
Boys Director of Coaching, Referee Coordinator
Phone: 308-293-0526
Registrar, Girls Director of Coaching, Webmaster, Programming
Phone: 308-708-1260