Boys and Girls Under 4 (Birth-dates of 2021)
The 2025 Spring Mini-Micro Soccer season features four play-dates and will kick off with the first play date on March 30.
Play-date sessions are generally 45-50 minutes in length and feature a parental volunteer who organizes and manages each session. A great introduction to the sport in an organized yet fun manner. Included in and an important part of each session is a 4 v 4 game vs an opposing micro team.
Mini-Micro Soccer is an introductory program with a focus on discovery, fun and skill development. Players are placed on teams by age and gender, usually 6-7 players on a team. Parental volunteer coaches are provided with a practice curriculum and great training support.
(Sun) March 30
(Sun) April 6
(Sun) April 13
(Sun) April 27
(Sun) May 4 MAKE-UP Date
3:00-3:45 All Play Dates at West Lincolnway Park
*Parental-volunteer coaches are still needed. PLEASE VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME! Even just to be a team manager and HELP the coach when he/she has conflicts.
Click the volunteer button on the registration page if you are willing to help out!
All future information - including training schedules and game schedules, will be posted on this page. Please bookmark and check back often!
Program Fee - $50.00
Program Coordinator
Phone: 402.699.0732